Friday, November 13, 2015

Financially committed finally

It has been great to live with zero commitment for years, fear no losing my job, plenty of disposable cash. Gone are the days of stress-free on finances that I've just made couple of financial movements in just two weeks of time. 

While waiting arrival of friends, we paid an impromptu visit to a property fair, just so happened there was one taking place. and so happened there was one awesome deal, at least so I thought. I snapped up my first property, and paid the booking fee of RM 5,000. Housing loan was approved today, so it's pretty much a done deal. From hindsight, the way I've bought my first property is no different than buying vegetable. Almost minimal scrutiny or checks that I'd made...

After being turned off by the news that most imported cars will see price hike due to ringgit depreciation starting next year and so happened that Honda is putting up good promotion,  I waited no more and snapped up my first car. Loan approved today too. So it's a done deal too.

Was supposed to meet with a friend who is also a Great Eastern agent to discuss on life insurance matter, so happened that was a booth set up promoting the Public Bank Mutual Fund. Signed up to put portion of fund in EPF Account #1 to mutual fund.

Signed up with CIMB a Private Retirement Scheme. 

On the path to becoming a modern form of slavery to money. It's that much easy to snap up debts. Anyway, just hope that I could flip the unit in 5 years. Gotta keep budget in check now on.

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