A date to celebrate, isn't it? To many people (including myself) it is a strong affirmative.
So how would you look at it. A repetition of Elevens, or a repetition of Ones? I'd prefer the latter. One, as in the origin, or the point of time when it all kicks off or "原点" in mandarin. It's kind of like a reminder for me to go back to some points of time in the past when I have had well-defined visions or dreams. Unfortunately, time erodes almost everything. We got lost, we sway and we go out of focus when we are faced with multitude of shits.
So, nevermind that the reality bites, nevermind that things don't usually go in our favour, or however big the challenges are, be sure that you're responsible to preserve a strong, relentless, and persistent will to follow through whatever your heart genuinely believe in from the very beginning.
Yea, I am a believer of the future and I've got lotsa things to look forward to. So the 111111 is again something to tell me that I need to move forward and look ahead.
A bookmark I made it my own, it's a dedication for U & me.
And yea, it's a pretty special occasion too, so much so that I've got five injections of vaccines for my forthcoming trip to Papua New Guinea. I seldom face needles, and today I faced 5 of them all one shot. Great!
What to expect from the adventure in PNG?? Honestly I'm quite freaked out but at the same time I can't wait to find out, that's me, GATAL!
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