Fridays is, by all means more than pleasing to each and every office people. Today, is Friday of course, but I thought it's gloomy Friday, not knowing reasons why though.
Trying to scrutinize the reasons:
1. Last weekend was a bit of horrific. Yea, I lost some bucks to Uncle Lim. Lesson: Don't go to Monte Carlo when you are not as sober as judge. I didn't have good rest. Basically my bet is based solely on optimisms ignoring the probability of failure. Money lost, lesson learned, well worth right?
2. "Irretrievable" cough. Hor, come on, I have had this cough for more than 3 weeks. It is really taking a toll on my fitness, both physically and mentally. I can't have good rest for many nights. I have refrained myself from all sorts of frills. I switch on my fan 1 at night. I drink only warm plain water. So much more done. Yet, here i am, still cough! I would say give me the bittermost medicine, as long as it cures me right away. CNY is weeks ahead. Taking care of ownself isn't easy! Not at all.
3. Today is last day of internship for some friends here in KLCC. Yea, senior peers by 1 semester though which include Mee Kee and Michele. Usually I go brunch with these 2 + UTP-UNSW fellow Kiang Fei, sometimes Eevon may join. Hence, I am losing brunchmates thereafter. The slb Jim appeared abruptly and had brunch with us. He certainly does fantastic har, looks good, talks good, actions good also. hahaha...Roomed around Suria for a place to dine-in but the situation was like full house! Ended up in Secret Recipe in Avenue K which is out of air-conditioning. haha...
4. Belated Christmas Gift Exchange party. Yea, everyone got to give and receive but me, doing the giving only. What kinda organiser! Come on, intern should get due respect also, okey? Perhaps they hadn't got my name during the lucky draw. Forget and forgive you this time! Btw, when you're in halworld-Halliburton World, don't expect for excellent little food. We had only unbranded donuts and self-made sandwich.
5. Fucking results!
Cheering tactics:
1. Can't eat chocolate, nor ice-cream.
2. Went swimming
3. Eat Maggi
4. Chat with friends
Above of all, doing this post!
I want to recover fast!