Monday, December 15, 2008

IT impaired against "corrupted"

Was damned stressed out because I spent the whole morning trying to install a software, EDM (Engineer Data Models). However, I didn't manage to get it done until I finally decided to turn to my colleague for help. He tried the same way as I did which led to error. Then He used an installer CD and it worked! So, it's the problem with the CORRUPTED installer copied to my pc. The numerous trials-failures earlier on almost prompted me to think that I might be IT impaired. Shit, I'm now in Digital Asset Department man. When I can't even get a software installation done in hours, in what position am I for the department! People may just say: U.FO. (P/s: U.FO = You.FuckOff) (P/s.s: Out of creativity, mind my language) I was almost "Xiao Liao". Just popped cappuccino from the pantry.

Yesterday, I spent almost whole night trying to sync video to my Nano, but I fail. So, it can only play cater for audio. Due to it's "brilliant" owner, it's handicapped being unable to cater videos. Lol, wondering that if I am somehow IT impaired! Shit...

Arh, was asked to do physical work today.Not photostatting, nor printing, making coffee, but a nicer one --> to fold the long log into A4 side so that they can be accommodated by A4 folder.


Johnny Ong said...

welcome to the working world hehe

Charles T said...

wahaha.. looks like ur having alot of fun there! XD

Chemhoster said...

Lol...You know what! Today I was reinstalling the software because it couldn't be launched. Up to now, it still can work properly yet.


My colleague told me he spent 5 days to completely settle it previously. hahaha...Me yer, perhaps tomorrow can gaodin alr...cos me smart what!!
